

Super concentrated cleaner for Uralite or asbestos


Cleaner Cork

Cleaner-Cork has been specially designed for cleaning asbestos or Uralite.

Please read the instructions about application and drying time. After drying up completely, CleanerCork removes moss, algae, verdigris or stains caused by leaves and flowers.  

It can be applied by brush, roller, sprayed or splattered.

Suitable both indoors and outdoors.

Container and Efficiency


Cleaner Cork

Containers: 1l., 4l. y 15l.

Efficiency: 0.050 grs. per m² approx.

Cleaner Cork Technical Details (only available in Spanish)

Do you have any questions? How can we help you?


Switchboard: 955 270 107
Comercial: 672 196 526
Polígono Industrial el Torno
C/ Alfareros 13-15
41710 Utrera (Sevilla)


Revestimientos Técnicos Sostenibles, SL has benefited from the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the competitiveness of SMEs and thanks to which it has launched a Plan of Internationalization with the aim of improving its competitive position abroad during 2018. For this it has had the support of the Xpande Program of the Seville Chamber of Commerce .

Revestimientos Técnicos Sostenibles, SL has benefited from the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the competitiveness of SMEs and thanks to which it has launched a Plan of Internationalization with the aim of improving its competitive position abroad during 2018. For this it has had the support of the Xpande Program of the Seville Chamber of Commerce .