

Specific insulating solutions for roller or airless applications

Vertical Supports

Zeramic Extrem Fachadas (for Facades), is an elastic coating with insulating properties; “Climalit” glass effect. Zeramic Extrem Fachadas (for Facades), is made of ceramic void beads, titanium dioxide and photocrosslinkable, acrylic and elastic emulsions. It’s an elastic and breathable coating which securely adheres to various vertical surfaces; both indoors and outdoors.

The result is a breathable, continuous (no splices) coating with waterproofing properties. Moreover, Zeramic Extrem Fachadas (for Facades) is a thermal insulating solution for cold and hot climates. Finally, Zeramic Extrem Fachadas (for Facades) protects your surface from fungi, algae and bacteria contamination.

Zeramic Extrem Fachadas (for Facades) can be applied by brush, roller or airless. Zeramic Extrem Family is based on the technological discoveries of the space race. In the 1970s, NASA designed a special coating for their space shuttles to protect them from extreme temperatures in outer space.

Recommended products for Facades


It can be applied. As a coating with outstanding properties. It is made of liquid ceramic beads which dry up in a uniform, continuous layer (no splices). It is suitable for applications in :

  • Facades refurbishment to improve the thermal efficiency of our buildings (protection against UV radiation, sea breeze or other climatic agents).
  • Crack sealing and stuffing treatments.
  • It improves thermal efficiency indoors and it can help reduce energy expenses between 30%-35%.
  • It facilitates a homogeneous distribution of heat (Cold feet-hot head effect).
  • It helps regulate indoor humidity at home.
  • It is suitable for allergic or asthmatic patients as it does not release any chemical substances.
  • It is very decorative. It is available in any color.
  • Low and easy maintenance.
  • Anti-condensation.
  • Self-cleaning.
  • High durability; up to ten years (previous technical prescription required).

Containers and Efficiency

Vertical Supports

Zeramic Extrem Fachadas (for Facades)

It is available in 15 liter and 4 liter drums.
Efficiency: 32-35 square meters for 15 liter drums and 9-10 square meters for 4 liter drums.

Do you have any questions? How can we help you?


Switchboard: 955 270 107
Comercial: 672 196 526
Polígono Industrial el Torno
C/ Alfareros 13-15
41710 Utrera (Sevilla)


Revestimientos Técnicos Sostenibles, SL has benefited from the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the competitiveness of SMEs and thanks to which it has launched a Plan of Internationalization with the aim of improving its competitive position abroad during 2018. For this it has had the support of the Xpande Program of the Seville Chamber of Commerce .

Revestimientos Técnicos Sostenibles, SL has benefited from the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the competitiveness of SMEs and thanks to which it has launched a Plan of Internationalization with the aim of improving its competitive position abroad during 2018. For this it has had the support of the Xpande Program of the Seville Chamber of Commerce .